April 25, 2024

Sr. Living Options

Senior Living Options Outside the Home

This directory lists residential facilities in the River Region that offer Independent Living, Assisted Living, Nursing Home, Rehab, or Dementia/Alzheimer’s Care. Facilities offering more than one level of care are listed in each appropriate category with additional care options noted in parentheses.

The directory is as comprehensive as time and resources permitted. If you manage a facility in the River Region not listed here, e-mail primemontgomery@gmail.com and include the word Directory in the subject line. We’ll make every effort to revise the on-line version of the directory to include your facility.

Prime Montgomery makes no claims regarding the quality of care offered by these facilities. Selecting and evaluating a facility requires research as well as on-site visitation to determine which one is best suited for you or your loved one. We hope this Resource Directory provides a starting point in your search.