May 17, 2024


Posted on June 30, 2014 by in Health, Moving Free

Jul2014AquaExerciseWWater babies, that’s us. We’re at home in liquid from pre-birth and we seem to naturally gravitate to it. We love the ocean, the lake the pool, the hot tub, and the bathtub. What is it about water that means so much to us? It surrounds us, it cradles us, and it supports us. We’re nearly weightless in water. The largest of us can glide with ease and grace, feeling minimal resistance.  And, I think it’s those endearing properties of water that make Aqua Exercise pleasant and effective.

Swimming is the most common form of Aqua Exercise. It’s good for all ages. It uses all your major muscle groups, strengthens, tones, and helps build aerobic capacity. There’s almost no impact, so it’s kind to your joints while it gets you in shape.

I swim laps for 30-40 minutes 4 or 5 times per week. I find it relaxing and stimulating at the same time. Some days it melts my stress and puts me in a meditative state. Other days I do some of my best thinking during my swim workout. If you’re a beginner, start slowly with a few minutes a day. Stay in your comfort zone and build up.

Can’t Swim?

No worries. There are Aqua Cardio, Strength, Stretch – just about Aqua everything – classes at local rec. centers everywhere. It’s done in about 4 feet of water so there’s no need to swim. And, if you have access to a pool or calm water along with a tablet computer, you can prop the tablet on a chair, stream a workout, and exercise your brains out.

Aging Fit

Even if you’re pretty active, getting older can make it hard to do land based exercise on a regular basis.

Luckily, water is also a great medium for vintage bodies that simply can’t take the impact of other types of exercise, at least not every day. And water is fun. You don’t know you’re exercising until you get out and your body tells you “ooh, that was a workout”

As our health conscious population lives longer and longer, I think Aqua, with its ability to surround and support our aging bodies while we keep them operational, is the wave of the future. Get those creaky bodies in the water. Try it. You’ll like it.

MirabaiMirabai Holland, M.F.A. is a public health activist and authority in the Health & Fitness industry, specializing in preventive and rehabilitative exercise. Her Moving Free® approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn’t feel like work,


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