May 17, 2024

Walking is Important

Posted on August 30, 2014 by in Moving Free

Scientists are still debating exactly when, where, how, and why the species that became us stopped scampering around on all fours and began to RunningShoesWwalk erect.  But with gradual anatomical changes over six or so million years, we’ve gotten used to it, and at this point it feels quite natural. We can walk erect all day now, and get from place to place, as people in many regions of the world do daily.

Although our current anatomy has made it harder for us to climb trees, walking erect has spawned other things we’ve come to enjoy like baseball, basketball, tennis, stand-up paddle-boarding, track and field, soccer, ice hockey, roller derby, walks in the park, hiking mountain trails, carrying a colicky baby around the room for hours. OK, scratch that last one. How about dancing?

For better and for worse, nowadays most of us only have to walk from the car to the elevator. Walking has been relegated to recreation or simply, exercise; which brings me to the fact that walking is good for you. We all know the health benefits of walking — stronger heart, better glucose tolerance, improved mood, weight control and a gazillion more. In fact some people think walking is so good for you they almost never sit.

People work at standing desks and wear pedometers to count their steps. 10,000 steps is a common daily goal. Others can’t stand to just stand. They’ve built desks onto treadmills and take meetings, type emails and do all their office work while walking. I’ve heard numbers like 10 miles a day on a treadmill while at work.

I’m a walking advocate and a walking enthusiast. However, as you may know, I believe in the ease in, start with a little, stay in your comfort zone, set attainable short term goals, build up to your ultimate goal over time, method of exercise. I believe in the pleasure principal. If I like something I do it because I like it; if it’s good for my health, so much the better.

It’s easy to like walking if it’s easy. If you build up at your own pace over time, it stays easy, even when it’s vigorous.

Good posture is essential. Stand and walk with your head over your shoulders,  shoulders over your hips and the whole body line-up centered over the feet. Don’t slouch forward or lean back. Try to keep your abs pulled in when you think of it.

Music is the plane that flies you to your destination. So if you like music, plug in your ear buds and walk to your favorites.

Make time in your day for walking.  Whether it’s outside, in a mall, on a treadmill or in place. It’s in your nature. It beats scampering on all fours and you may even live longer.

MirabaiMirabai Holland, M.F.A. is a public health activist and authority in the Health & Fitness industry, specializing in preventive and rehabilitative exercise. Her Moving Free® approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn’t feel like work,


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