April 28, 2024

Prime Wins National Awards

Posted on December 1, 2013 by in Awards

Layout 1Prime Montgomery brought home honors in 10 categories at the national convention of the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA) held in October. Prime dominated the Senior Issues Category for publications up to 100,000 circulation, with long-time columnists Arlene Morris and Alan Wallace receiving first and second place awards respectively in this category. Both Morris and Wallace have been contributing to Prime Montgomery since May, 2010, and both have won earlier awards in NAMPA competitions. Other awards are detailed in this issue in Prime Editor Sandra Polizos’ Editor’s Notes.



Prime Publisher Bob Corley presents In Every Life columnist Arlene Morris with her national NAMPA award for her monthly column. As a professor of nursing at Auburn Montgomery, Morris brings a hands-on approach to her writing, helping seniors and their loved ones understand the often difficult transitions we face as we age.
JUDGES COMMENTS: “In Every Life columns address readers directly with specific guidance and direct questions to ask themselves around big events such as relocating and smaller ones such as wellness visits.”

AWallaceAward72Prime columnist Alan Wallace (right), accepts his 2013 NAMPA award from Publisher Bob Corley.  Wallace’s column, MoneyWi$e, offers advice for investing and retirement planning as well as practical tips on the wise use of money. He is a Senior Financial Advisor for the Montgomery office of Ronald Blue & Co.
JUDGES COMMENTS: “With clarity and specificity, ―Moneywi$e columns walk readers through questions and points of consideration about money matters.”


Donna Anderson (left), Pres. of the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA), presents Prime Montgomery Editor Sandra Polizos with one of the 11 awards given to the magazine at the organizations annual convention in October. Polizos won in the Personal Essay category with her Editor’s Notes.
JUDGES COMMENTS: “In a breezy, semi-confessional style, editor Sandra Polizos draws on her life to connect readers to their community and to the issue they are about to read.”

Other awards received by Prime and/or its writers include:

NCorley72NEWNiko Corley (Off the Beaten Path)
JUDGES COMMENTS: Off the Beaten Path by Niko Corley is a refreshing column, sure to be enjoyed by readers. Reflections on becoming the father of a girl and how to incorporate the camouflage of outdoor activities with the indoor pink hair ribbons and the antics of pets pursuing not-quite-ripe pears offer heart-warming moments.”




Callie Corley (Crafter’s Corner)
JUDGES COMMENTS: “This cheerful how-to on making seedling planters is framed as something grandparents can do with their grandchildren. It is presented as doable and entertaining.”





Cover Photo (May 2013; Hank Williams Museum feature)
JUDGES COMMENTS: “The cover comes right to the point, and it is obvious what the story is about. The blurred background works with the text, and the statue faces the words. The sharp focus on the eye guides us to his face.”



General Excellence
JUDGES COMMENTS: “A clean layout and design that’s carried out throughout the publication shows that readers are always at the front of mind for the staff. A good mix of content throughout.”

Quick Reads/Short Takes
JUDGES COMMENTS: “Quick Reads… and Short Takes are both lively and informational sections. The design is inviting and uses an easy-to-read format. It’s likely they are both the most-read sections in publication.”


Best Ad Series
JUDGES COMMENTS:Three visually striking ads from The Pub are built around a consistent color and tone, consistent typography and consistent use of a large visual. All three ads communicate quality.”


Website General Excellence
JUDGES COMMENTS: “With its many sections, Prime Montgomery’s website has an article for everyone. The highlighted features are clearly displayed above the banner. The website is full of information, lists and events. There is a heavy use of photographs within each article.”


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