May 6, 2024

Do your joints click?

Posted on May 1, 2014 by in Moving Free

What are those clicking, popping and crackling sounds in my joints? Is it arthritis? Have I overdosed on breakfast cereal? No, it’s probably Crepitus. Sounds like a precursor to decrepitude, but it’s not.

Crepitus is the word used to describe the clicking sounds. In fact, in most cases, if there’s no pain associated with those sounds, it’s nothing to worry about. Many people live their whole lives with some clicking and popping without any ill effects.

Joints that click and pop have closed bags of synovial fluid, called bursa, between them. They cushion joint movement so we can walk and work painlessly. That fluid has a little bit of air or gas dissolved in it. Through our daily movement, that gas can form a bubble or cavity in the bag. The fancy term is Cavitation.
When you move your knee, elbow or shoulder, the bubble bursts and makes a click or popping sound.ClickingJoint

Cracking your knuckles is an example of breaking those bubbles on purpose. So, the rule of thumb is: no pain, no problem. Snapping, however is another story.
That rubber band-like sound is often accompanied by pain. It’s a sign you have an injury, or that some muscle, nerve or connective tissue is out of place. In this case you should see your doctor.

A good way to promote healthy joints in general is to strengthen the muscles around them. Regular strength training can make a difference at any age. If you haven’t been exercising in a while, start slowly and build up.

Last thing you want to do is hurt the joints you’re trying to strengthen.

Next time your friends have clicks and pops in their joints, you can tell them they probably have Crepitus!



Mirabai Holland, M.F.A., is a public health activist and leading authority in the Health & Fitness industry. She specializes in preventive and rehabilitative exercise. Her Moving Free® approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn’t feel like work.


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