May 20, 2024

What is Fitness?

Posted on January 31, 2012 by in Moving Free

At this time of year, when we’re struggling with our New Year’s resolutions, I feel a need to ask and answer this question. Why is it that so many people who truly want and desperately need to get fit, find it so unattainable? Why do so many start fitness programs only to quit after a few days or a few weeks?

Why is it that many highly trained fitness professionals can’t help us and can be actually detrimental to our success?
There’s this mentality that you have to whip yourself into shape in order to get in shape. No pain, no gain. And if your body is not hard and ripped and buffed then you’re not fit. NONSENSE!! What is fitness really?

What if getting fit meant that your could get out of a chair comfortably, that you could pick up a coin off the floor, reach for something without pulling something, run for a bus without feeling like you’re going to pass out? Maybe live longer, happier, and reap those health benefits the fit enjoy?

All these things are attainable without knocking yourself out and without having a ripped body. You can have real gain, without the pain. You can be fit and active and take it as far as you want at your own pace in your own comfort zone. All you have to do is stand up (and if you can’t stand up, sit in a chair) and move.

Start slowly, gently, naturally. Just move. That’s the place to start. You don’t need gimmicks, you don’t need machines. Move a little every day. Start with just a few minutes, but do it every day. After a couple of weeks you’ll start to feel better. As you keep it up you’ll want to do a little more. So do a little more and on the days you don’t feel like doing it, just do a little something. You will accumulate fitness a little at a time.

Eventually you’ll want to introduce yourself to the three major components of fitness: Cardio, Strength and Flexibility training. But then you’ll be ready because your body got used to moving again.

It’s not rocket science, but it is science and it does work. Studies show that moderate daily exercise gets you fit enough to reap about 80% of the health benefits fitness has to offer. Not bad.

Mirabai Holland M.F.A. is a leading authority in the Health & Fitness industry and a public health activist specializing in preventive and rehabilitative exercise. Her Moving Free® approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn’t feel like work.


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